Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Simple Labs' Quick Start Kit for Arduino - IR Proximity Sensor Interfacing- How To?

The IR Proximity Sensor

The IR Proximity sensor is one of the most commonly used sensors. You will find these in automatic taps,  automatic door opening, etc. This sensor works on the principle of IR reflectance. There is an IR LED (white / light blue in color) that is constantly emitting IR light. The light when reflected back falls on the IR Receiver LED / Photodiode (the black / dark blue color led). This received signal is then processed by an Op-Amp and the Op-Amp gives a HIGH signal. So the sensor module will give a HIGH signal if there is an object in front of the LED's. The range of sensing can be varied by adjusting the potentiometer on the sensor module. The maximum range of this module is only a few cms, so don't expect to use this as a distance sensor ;).  The module will not work when pointed at black objects as black color tends to absorb the IR light.

Note: The IR Sensor and its 3-pin cable will not come attached. You need to fix the Cable on to the Sensor. There is only 1 way the cable will fit on the sensor module, so, we presume you can't go wrong about it ;)

The IR Sensor. Look at the Wires and Their Mappings. We will connect these accordingly
Connect the Red Wire of the IR sensor to the '+'ve Terminal & the Black Wire of the IR sensor to the '-'ve Terminal
Connect the Brown wire of the IR sensor to the 8th pin of the Arduino
This is how your final setup should look like

Lets program to trigger the Buzzer everytime the sensor gives a HIGH signal. Try the following program. [ULN_Buzzer_IR.ino]
ULN2003- Buzzer
This program drives a Buzzer using ULN2003 

void setup()
void loop()


  1. This looks like a buzzer blink.
    Where are you using the values from IR sensor in the program?

  2. This could be an appropriate program...

    void setup()
    void loop()
    { digitalWrite(7,HIGH);

  3. somehow my sensor is not working!! When I used it first time it was working properly.. but today when I used it the green light was on for all the time. It should be on when it detects something right ?? So what can i do to resolve this ?? would changing IC work ??

    1. the sensor is sensitive to natural light which has ir in it... so that should be the issue... not to worry...

  4. Is there a way to increase sensitivity of sensor ,mine detects obstacles from 1 inch distance only , is the pot given on sensor does that ?

    1. nope... these are proximity sensors... rotating the pot might increase it to perhaps 2 inches but not more than that...

  5. The buzzer sounds directly by providing power supply,
    why are you using ULN 2003 ??????????
